University Startup Challenge Milan
The first startup challenge in Milan organized by Entrepreneurship Club Bocconi and Police and open for all students from Bocconi, Polimi, Statale and Cattolica

MILAN - 2023
Hosted in partnership with

Main Partners of Last year

Participate in the challenge regardless of your level of experience. Through seminars and workshops, learn how to structure a startup idea, build it into a solid business and professionally present it in front of a jury.

Meet like minded students with different backgrounds who are passionate about entrepreneurship. Find your future cofounder and build long lasting relationships. Speak to industry leaders and experts.

Put your knowledge into practice and create a startup idea with a real impact on the city of Milan. Measure your abilities going head to head with other motivated students. Get recognized for your efforts and build your CV.
Event Timeline
An entrepreneurship competition and event split into two weekends at Bocconi and Polytechnico
The University Startup Challenge is an event that brings together studnets from Milan with the goal of developing a Startup to solve a challenge given by our partners. The event will take place in person at the Bocconi and Politechnico campuses and the format will be a mix of seminars, workshops and networking time.
Click here for the detailed program!
Click here to see detailed program: